Sunday, 1 May 2011

Final week update!

This is my last week posting on as the assessment task due date is coming in a few days! I have edited my work for the last few days, been given feedback and re reading everything to make sure there are no mistakes. I've just printed my assessment and is now ready to hand it in on the due date. Now all i have to do for this assessment is hand it into the box and wait for my marks!

Here is the mind map of all my the things I have planned and thought about during the time I have had my assessment.

Final mind map!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Week 10 update!

After finishing and recording my experiment, I need to at least finish my draft report during the holidays! I plan on emailing my teacher the rough draft during the holidays to see if I need to edit it in some places. I am using the scaffold to write this, which is on my classes. I have already completed most of it, but i still need to finish my discussion and secondary data!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

The Experiment!~week 9 update!

 Here I chopped the cabbage and put it in the blender
 I strained the Blended cabbage (PH solution) and poured it equally into 5 cups

 These two pictures are showing the 5 cups that have PH solution poured in equally

The final result. As you can see the cups have different colours, which shows different levels of acidness.

I already wrote my analysis and evaluation on my scaffold, which I plan on emailing soon to my teacher to check and give feed back on!

Monday, 28 March 2011

WEEK 8 BLOG! (Method)

For this week's blog, I am supposed to write out the method for my science experiment. The results of my experiment would be recorded on a table on neo-office.

Equipment:  5 clear plastic cups,  1/2 a Red cabbage, strainer, blender, 700mL of water, glass jug
Household items tested- Detergent, baking soda, Coke, water and one cup controlled.


Step 1: Prepare all equipment needed for this experiment.
Step 2: Chop the red cabbage into thin slices 
Step 3: Measure and pour 700mL of water into the Blender. Add chopped cabbage. 
Step 4: Blend for a minute and strain it into a glass jug.
Step 5: Measure and pour 160mL of solution into 5 cups. Keep one cup the controlled variable(same)
Step 6: Measure and pour in the house hold items into each cup.
Step 7: Wait for 1-2 minutes and record the results. 

Saturday, 19 March 2011


I discussed with my science teacher about what i wanted to do for my science assessment. Which is pH of household items, and she gave me the thumbs up for it! Also she suggested that for my pH solution    (which i asked about) that i should make it by myself. So with the help of the internet I am going to look up the ingredients needed to make pH solution. As well as the Universal indicator. I found out that I could also used the internet for this as well. For my results, I decided to show it by using an column graph. This is the easiest way as on the X axis I would be able to list all the household items I experimented with. And on the Y axis the result of how acidic that house hold item is.

I also decided my variables for my experiment this week as well.These include my independent variable which was different household items, my dependant which is the colour change when pH solution is added to the substance. And my control variable which was the amount of pH solution(red cabbage solution) used during the experiment.


Tuesday, 15 March 2011


I decided last week that i will do an experiment on PH of household items. My aim is to find which household item that are used daily, is the most acidic! In my week 6 mind map below, i also included that to conduct this experiment, I would need to have PH solution and PH indicator. So, where am i going to get these? Right now, I am not sure... by week 7 update i would need to find out how to get these items. I should ask my teacher about my ideas on PH of household items, the next time i see her.

Week 6 T1- update

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

MindMap from WEEK 5

What to do for my assessment? WEEK 5 UPDATE!

For my Science Research Project (SRP) I was thinking on doing the PH of household items! I am curious as to which household product I have is the most acidic! By week 6, I hop i will be able to get more ideas on how to conduct this experiment.